Culloden musicians on their way to Cape Breton

Leugh sa Ghaidhlig

The Culloden Academy Cèilidh Band are departing tomorrow (Tuesday 26th June) for Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, to take part in a packed programme of performances, visits, workshops, trips and activities.

The Cèilidh Band, which includes a group of 12 young performers and 2 members of staff, will perform traditional music and sing Gaelic songs in a number of venues. The first performance will take place in the Gaelic College, St Ann’s where they will also perform with Cape Breton Fiddlers and musicians. 
During their visit they will also be taking part in music workshops held in St Ann’s and Whycocomagh, will try traditional square dancing in the Glencoe Mills and will perform at the Baddeck Gathering, with an outdoor performance at the Whycocomagh Waterfront Centre.  Playing also in local community halls, their final performances will be in Mabou.

The Culloden Cèilidh Band have produced 2 CDs, the latest called ‘Moving On’ engineered by Charlie McKerron will be promoted whilst in Cape Breton.  The fund raising events included school Ceilidhs, street performances, bag packing and busking in supermarkets, and both family and private donations.

The young performers, teachers and parents raised £21,000 for the trip.

Mrs Alison Mackenzie, Principal Teacher of Music at Culloden Academy said: “This is a wonderful opportunity for a dedicated and talented group of pupils.  They have worked hard over the last year to fundraise for the Cape Breton visit and are looking forward now to performing in an area steeped in Highland tradition. The band is very grateful for the support received from The Highland Council, Inverness Common Good Fund, Friends of Highland Music, local businesses and the community.”

She added: “Whilst in Cape Breton we will also be meeting the Director of Gaelic Affairs, Mr Lewis Mackinnon and we are grateful for his support and for the support of many other organisations and individuals, as they helped devise a very interesting and exciting programme for the young people and I know that the trip will be an event which will be a great legacy for years to come.”

The Highland Council Convener Jimmy Gray wished the young performers well.  He said:  “We are delighted to help and support the group and I am sure they will be excellent ambassadors for the whole Highlands.  Music at Culloden Academy is a very strong feature of school life and this is reflected in the quality instruction from staff and music tutors and the professionalism of the pupils.  I am sure the trip will provide lots of experience for our young people, as well as giving the people of Cape Breton the opportunity to enjoy the very best of our traditional music.”

Minister of Gaelic Affairs, Government of Nova Scotia, the Honourable Maurice Smith said:  “Under an agreement with Highland Council, Scotland that recognises shared Gaelic language and culture and opportunity for discussion and exchange, Nova Scotia welcomes the Culloden Ceilidh band from Culloden Academy, Scotland.  As Nova Scotia's Gaelic Community continues to work towards community building and local identity by preserving, developing and growing its Gaelic language and cultural assets, the visit by Culloden Academy students presents a chance to learn more from each other, identify and reaffirm best practices and showcase Nova Scotia Gaelic language and culture to our Scottish counterparts."


25 Jun 2012