Creative pupils come up with eco themed board games

Aspiring board game creators at Lochardil Primary school in Inverness have designed two games to raise awareness about the environment and at the same time make sure players enjoy rolling the dice.

The school has Eco Green Flag status so staff and pupils jumped at the chance when they were approached by the Council’s TEC Service’s Education & Enforcement Officer James Sanderson to see if they could come up with a board game to promote recycling and good practice for future years.

The Eco Committee, which is led by staff member Muriel Murray, took this challenge with a great deal of enthusiasm and over a period of weeks produce not only one but two board games – Park Panic and “Bin It To Win It”

Lewis Mardon, a former pupil of Alness Academy who has just completed his first year at Grays’ School of Art in Aberdeen, volunteered to help with the games development once the pupils completed the concept and initial design work.

The school now hopes to attract funding from a backer to get the games produced so that they can be enjoyed by primary schools across Scotland.

Head teacher Mrs Caddell said:  “The children have put so much effort and enthusiasm into developing the games that it would be wonderful if a funder could be found.  It has been a very creative way to look at issues surrounding waste and recycling.  Ever since we received our Green Flag, the whole school has been involved in eco-projects and now we have these new games for the pupils to play, it will help to highlight that it is not just about picking up litter, but also changing attitudes and raising awareness on what we do with the waste we produce.”

27 Jun 2012