Public to have say on service integration in Wester Ross

People in the West Ross area are invited to find out more about, and have an opportunity to have their say on the development of Planning for Integration of health, education and social care services provided by NHS Highland and The Highland Council.

At a public meeting in, Ullapool (Macphail Centre) on 13 March from 7pm – 9pm, Jan Baird, Planning for Integration, Transitions Director will explain how, from 1 April 2012, staff are being brought together into integrated teams to work with children and families and with people who use community care services.

The meeting is open to everyone and will aim to help people who use the services understand how the integrated NHS/Council teams can make decisions more quickly, allowing a more flexible and responsive service to users.

Jan Baird, Transitions Director said: “So far the development of plans for integration have been carried out in association with service users, carers, families, as well as NHS Highland and Highland Council employees delivering services throughout the area.

“We would like to hear the views of people who have not already been involved in the process in other ways, especially if they use, or look after someone who uses children and families or community care services.”

For further information about the development of planning for integration, or to submit questions in advance of the meeting; or make known any special requirements/needs to help take part, please telephone 01463 706751.

5 Mar 2012