Ministerial visit to Ardnamurchan High School

The Cabinet Minister for Education and Life-long learning, Mike Russell dropped in on Ardnamurchan High School on Friday 2nd March en-route to the formal opening of Acharacle Primary School.

The Highland Council’s Director of Education, Culture and Sport , Hugh Fraser, and Acting Head of Education Calum Macsween together with councillors, Michael Foxley, Drew Millar and Bill Fernie joined Head Teacher Chris Millar-Craig and Parent Council Chair Sean Turner in welcoming Mike Russell to Ardnamurchan High School.

Mr Russell met with Head Girl, Lucy MacMillan and Head Boy, Craig Griggs along with their deputies Nicole MacIver and Jacob Green and Gaelic Medium pupils Duncan Foxley and Charlie Plemming over break.  

Lucy MacMillan said: “Mr Russell chatted to us over break and we talked about the school and what we liked  but also how expensive housing is here for everyone in the community.  I have also e-mailed him directly  thanking him for talking to us, but that I had also wanted the time to talk about the importance of funding and adequate staffing to give us enough choice and stability in our curriculum’

Following coffee break, Mr Russell enjoyed a tour of the community and school facilities, also meeting Eoghan Carmichael, Centre Coordinator.

Mr Russell clearly enjoyed his visit and was duly impressed with the resources and with the pupils and staff of Ardnamurchan High School. Prior to a light lunch, Mr Russell and Mr Millar-Craig had the opportunity for a frank and positive discussion on rural education and the good learning teaching inherent in the Curriculum for Excellence. 

Head teacher Chris Millar-Craig, staid:  “We had a very positive discussion which focussed on the value of rural education and on the positive  support needed for the next steps in the development of Curriculum for Excellence.  This was a helpful and fruitful discussion.”

A subsequent comment from the Minister on Twitter stated: “I had a couple of hours at Ardnamurchan High School in Strontian, where I was greeted by the senior pupils and shown round by the Head Teacher Chris Millar-Craig. It is a very impressive place, not just a lovely building but a purposeful and happy school at the heart of the community.”

6 Mar 2012