Major investment at popular Inverness park

Inverness’s popular Whin Park is about to receive a six-figure investment in play facilities from The Highland Council.  The Council has appointed contractors Sutcliffe Play (Scotland) Ltd and HAGS Play Ltd to begin upgrading work with a total budget for play equipment of £108,400. 
A major contribution of £80,000 from Inverness’s Common Good Fund was agreed by Inverness City Councillors.
Provost Jimmy Gray, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Inverness City Committee, said: “Whin Park is a great asset to Inverness which for many years has provided much enjoyment for residents and visitors alike.  This is a significant investment in the Park which is designed not just to maintain the existing facilities but to enhance them. This is the latest in a number of investments in parks in Inverness, which now has some of the most attractive parks and leisure areas in Scotland. ” 
The park is within the City’s Inverness West Ward.  Local Councillors Alasdair Christie, Alex Graham and Pauline Munro allocated £8,000 of Ward funds towards the improvements.  As the park is a recognised “strategic” facility, the Inverness Central, Millburn, Ness-side, South and Culloden & Ardersier Wards all agreed to extra funding to supplement the commitment from the Common Good Fund.
The new equipment to be installed includes both “traditional” equipment and outdoor fitness equipment, available for parents and grandparents too, that is an increasingly familiar feature of play areas.       

7 Mar 2012