Status quo prevails on public entertainment licensing

The Highland Council has assured organisers of free-to-enter events  that there will be no change to the current licensing arrangements when new guidance on public entertainment licensing is introduced on 1 April.

This means that there will continue to be no charge for community or fund-raising events that are free to the public to attend.

It also means that events which currently  involve an admission fee will continue to require payment for  a public entertainment licence.

The Council has apologised for a lack of clarity in its previous guidance on the proposed changes to Public Entertainment Licensing from 1 April, 2012.
Highland Licensing Committee Chairman Councillor Peter Corbett said: “There was widespread concern within the Licensing Committee and the wider Council membership about the prospect of charges being introduced for free-to-enter events organised by community and fund-raising groups.

“The impact on local community groups would have been significant and the last thing in the world we would want is to see an end to all the good work that volunteers undertake in their local towns and villages.

“We have looked at our rules governing public entertainment licensing and I am pleased to assure the public that the status quo will prevail from 1 April.  If a group did not need a licence in the past they will not need one after 1 April.  Equally, if a group required a licence in the past they will continue to require a licence after 1 April. I hope this gives communities the reassurance they were looking for. “




7 Mar 2012