Talking rubbish

The installation of a talking litter bin on the Inverness High Street / Inglis Street area tomorrow (Friday 9 March at 11am) could result in people ‘talking rubbish’ in the City.

As people deposit their litter in the bin it will reply with over 20 different messages. Rounds of applause will be hailed on folk; male and female voices will give their thanks in many different ways such as blowing kisses; or outbursts of laughter as the bin pleads “stop that it tickles”.

The talking bin is part of Highland Council’s chewing gum action campaign taking place during Olympic and Jubilee Year with a round of key profile visits to High Streets in Inverness, Dingwall,  Alness, Fort William and Nairn.

Chairman of The Highland Council’s TEC Services Committee Councillor John Laing said: “In recognition of Highland Council’s efforts to reduce gum litter in Inverness City Centre last year by 91%, the Keep Britain Tidy campaign has awarded the Council with the loan on a talking litter bin throughout March and April. I urge everyone to help keep Inverness centre streets clean and to have some fun at the same time by using the talking bin.”

The Highland Council is one of 15 local authorities nationwide to have pledged their support for the campaign to help make Britain’s streets free of littered gum. At the end of campaign three of the five Highland High Streets will be judged gold, silver and bronze to mark their local achievement in litter reduction during the campaign

8 Mar 2012