Highland Council and NHS Highland combat childhood obesity

Unhealthy food choices and physical inactivity among Highland school children are to be further tackled by The Highland Council and its partners NHS Highland as members of its Education, Culture and Sport Committee approved a 2 year health and wellbeing plan today.

The plan titled “High 5” will be aimed at around 2,400 primary school children between 2012 and 2014 with further research being carried out on how to improve the uptake of school meals in secondary schools.
High 5 brings together the expertise of NHS Highland Health Improvement staff and the skills and experience of Highland Teachers.

The High 5 programme will give schools the skills, confidence and capacity to deliver a high quality curriculum on health and wellbeing. Resources will be made available for teachers including: fully developed session plans; access to a toolkit of quality resources; guidance on developing programmes; and training as appropriate.

Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “Through Curriculum for Excellence we are all aware of the importance of health and wellbeing within our schools.  High 5 will allow us the opportunity to look at some of the implications of diet and exercise and consider some practical steps which our pupils can take to improve their health and wellbeing. I am delighted that the Council is working with NHS Highland in such an important area and in a planned way to ensure improvements in the lives of our young people.”

Mr Dave Rex, Nutrition Specialist from NHS Highland who presented the High 5 report to Highland Councillors added: “With almost one in four primary children in the Highlands overweight or obese I am pleased that we are able to work with The Highland Council to encourage healthy eating and physical activity.

“However, it is important to bear in mind that most children in the Highlands could make substantial improvements to their diet and levels of physical activity. This is true for most overweight children, but also for most of the children who are not overweight."

12 Mar 2012