Work begins to clear two town centre sites in Nairn

Work is expected to start soon on two projects to remove disused properties in the centre of Nairn.

A contract has been let for the demolition of the former Community Centre on King Street and Morrison Construction will move on to the site soon. The value of the works is £80,000.

And agreement has been reached for the demolition of the nearby disused petrol filling station in a separate contract awarded to William Munro Construction (Highland) Ltd.  This work, costing £55,000, will commence early next month.

The Council has longer term plans for the redevelopment of the Community Centre land but in the short term intends using it for free car parking.

The Highland Council Convener Sandy Park is delighted that progress is being made in clearing the two sites.

He said: “It is great to see things beginning to happen in the town centre. The demolitions will pave the way for new development  which will greatly enhance our town centre.  In the short term the extra car parking is very welcome.  The support of The Co-operative in agreeing to the clearance of their petrol filling station site is much appreciated. It helps the momentum of what we are trying to achieve in the town centre.”


12 Mar 2012