Highland Council supports FilmG 2012 Awards

The winner of The Highland Council-sponsored Best Performance category of the MG ALBA FilmG 2012 Awards held in Glasgow on Friday evening (9 March) was child actor Órla NicChoinnich Ni Eadhra in the film “Deòir Shona”.

Councillor Hamish Fraser, Chairman of the Council’s Gaelic Committee was at the awards to congratulate Órla.

Órla said: “I am very pleased. A big thanks to everyone that supported me with this, especially mum and the Director Ro Goodwin, Thanks also to The Highland Council for this prize and honour.”

Órla is in Primary 3 at Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis, and takes Gaelic Drama with Roddy Nicolson at Fèis a' Bhaile.

Ardnamurchan High School, Dingwall Academy, Gairloch High School, Inverness Royal Academy, Mallaig High School, Millburn Academy, Plockton High School, Portree High School, Tain Royal Academy and Ullapool High School all took part in FilmG training workshops between September and December 2011 which gave them experience in story development, filming and editing.

In the 12 – 17 category of the FilmG awards the following Highland schools were shortlisted:

Kaitlin Hutchison from Ardnamurchan High School and Rachel Kellow from Dingwall Academy were also commended for best performance, while Jamie Campbell of Portree High School was shortlisted for best performance.

For further information on FilmG 2012 see www.filmg.co.uk

13 Mar 2012