Highland agencies drive home road safety to young people

Tomorrow (Friday 16) Charleston Academy in Inverness will host ‘Driving Ambition, a road safety education programme that provides vital road safety education and information to senior secondary school pupils at a time they need it the most.

Organised by the Highland Road Safety Working Group, a partnership between The Highland Council, Northern Constabulary, and Highlands & Islands Fire & Rescue Service, British Red Cross, driving instructors and mechanics,  Driving Ambition has been running in Highland schools since 2007. 

Research has shown that a driver aged 17 – 25 is six times more likely to be involved in an injury accident than a driver aged over 40 and the probability of having an accident is reduced by on third after only one year’s driving experience.

6th year pupils taking part will get lots of practical and helpful tips.  They will learn about driving enforcement issues and how to ensure they are driving legally; driving theory; essential car maintenance and safety checks; basic first aid; and how to deal with emergency services in case of accidents.  Everyone taking part will also be shown a two part DVD “Just another day”, recounting a story of a crash victim in Ullapool.

15 Mar 2012