Young Ducks take to the Big Screen

The film, written, directed and produced by Duck Productions, a collection of young people from the Alness Talents Youth Group, will be premiered at a red-carpet and limousine ceremony at 7:30pm on Wednesday 21st December, at the Invergorden Arts Centre, Ross and Cromarty.

Funded through First Light (the UK Film Council’s young filmmakers’ Lottery delegate), Ross and Cromarty Enterprise (RACE) and The Highland Council, Two Sides to Every Story tells the tale of two young people on the brink of adulthood. Finding love and understanding in each other, they overcome the adversities life throws at them. Cinematically, the story explores the harsh reality of young people caught up in a world of abuse. Original score has been written by David Bell age 17.

Filmmaking expertise on the project came from Phoenix VP, a local video production company mentored by Charlie Wilson of Wee TV. Kirree Seddon, Phoenix VP co-director said: "Duck Productions have been a fantastically dedicated, talented and most of all fun group to work with. They all have great potential to move onwards and upwards in the world of video production.  We wish them all the best for the future."

"This project has been tough but a great experience for all involved, and we have all really enjoyed it and learned a lot." Claire, 12, Director.

"It’s been great seeing the script going from in my head to on-screen," said Lisa, 16, Screen-writer and female lead.



Cathey Reece, Pheonix VP Co-Director, 07835 777803, or Cath Giles , Youth Worker, 07810 875 418

Notes to editors:

First Light was launched in May 2001 to fund and inspire the making of short digital films, reflecting the diversity of young people’s lives. First Light is an initiative supported by the UK Film Council with Lottery funding and managed by Hi8us First Light Limited.
The UK Film Council is the lead agency for film in the UK ensuring that the economic, cultural and educational aspects of film are effectively represented at home and abroad. We invest Government grant-in-aid and Lottery money in film development and production; training; international development and export promotion; distribution and exhibition; and education. Our aim is to deliver lasting benefits to the industry and the public alike through:
Creativity – encouraging the development of new talent, skills, and creative and technological innovation in UK film and assisting new and established film-makers to produce successful and distinctive British films
Enterprise – supporting the creation and growth of sustainable businesses in the film sector, providing access to finance and helping the UK film industry compete successfully in the domestic and global marketplace
Imagination – promoting education and an appreciation and enjoyment of cinema by giving UK audiences access to the widest range of UK and international cinema, and by supporting film culture and heritage
Phoenix VP is a partnership between two Ross-shire based, female video makers, formed in 2003. Partners Cathey Reece and Kirree Seddon have worked together for over five years, having started out as Youth Theatre Facilitators and moving naturally into Video Production as a means of exploring creative expression with children, young people and adults.

19 Apr 2006