Caithness Critters

Issued: Tuesday, 17 January 2006


The first meeting of the year for the Caithness Critters took place last Sunday. The wildlife loving youngsters turned out to brave the harsh winds and cold temperatures to take part in a bird watch at the Loch of Mey. The children spotted and recorded a range of bird species and practiced their identification skills with pictures and bird sounds in the hide.

The annual prize of Best Attendance was also presented during the event. This year, two members tied for first place. Alex Calder, from Scarfskerry, and Alexander Bonham from Corseback, Dunnet both attended 7 events throughout 2005. They were presented with certificates and bird identification books.

Marina Swanson, East Caithness ranger and watch group leader said:

"The weather did not seem to dampen the spirits of the children as they were very keen to take part in the afternoon’s activities. Alex and Alexander have done very well in keeping such a high attendance all year round. It is encouraging to see the support for the group and the keenness of the children to learn about nature."

The next Critter event will take place next month where tree planting will be undertaken at Dunnet Forest.

The Highland Council Planning and Development’s Countryside Rangers are supported by Scottish Natural Heritage.

For further information please contact: Marina Swanson, Caithness East Ranger, The Highland Council, Planning and Development Service tel: (01955) 607758


12 Apr 2006