Crofting environment fun day

200 pupils from twelve primary schools across Skye and Lochalsh will be taking part in a day devoted to learning about their environment.

Held at Broadford Primary School on Tuesday 29th May and repeated on the 30th, the theme of this year’s Environment Fun Day is Crofting.

Crofting has a unique role in our area’s natural and cultural heritage and this event will provide an opportunity for children to experience and learn of the wide range of subjects crofting entails. This event is timely, with active crofting undergoing decline in many areas and important reforms in crofting policy looming, it provides an opportunity to highlight its benefits to the next generation of crofters- crofting’s future. 

Primary 5 – 7 pupils will participate in workshops under the themes of food; wildlife; crofting culture; crafts and skills run by representatives from Achmore Dairy, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, The Highland Council and National Trust Scotland Countryside Rangers, Rag-tag n’ Textile and  
Skye & Lochalsh Environment Forum.

Schools will also be invited to take part in a follow on project after the event which will involve pupils visiting a croft and then participating in a competition including the production of a calendar themed on “Crofting Seasons”.
The Skye and Lochalsh Environment Fun Days are funded by Isle of Skye Renewables Co-operative Ltd., Skye and Lochalsh Environment Forum and the National Trust for Scotland, and sponsored by Crofting Connections.

This project is organised by Highland Council and National Trust for Scotland Rangers, Crofting Connections and Skye & Lochalsh Environment Forum and is reliant on the predominantly unpaid services of the various individuals and conservation organisations taking part.

22 May 2012