Temporary road closures in Inverness during Race For Life event

The Highland Council wishes to warn drivers in Inverness city centre than during this weekend’s Race For Life event, temporary road closures will be in place along the route.

On Sunday 6 May the following roads will be closed to all vehicles from 12.30pm:

• Bught Road at its junction with Whin Park to its junction with Ness Walk Upper;

• Ness Walk Upper from its junction with Bught Road to its junction with Ballifeary Lane to its junction with Bishop’s Road;

•  Ardross Terrace between its con-junction with Ness Walk and its con-junction with Ardross Street;

• Ness Walk at its junction with Young Street to its con-junction with Ardross Terrace;

• Castle Road between its junction with Haugh Road and its junction with Bridge Street;

• Ness Bank and Cavell Gardens Road closed to through traffic between its junction with Castle Road and Island Bank Road. Access to local properties will be maintained from the junction with Castle Road.

The roads will start to re-open to traffic from 2pm onwards, with all routes fully opened by 3.30pm.  Alternative routes for drivers will be available and emergency and local access will be controlled by the Police and race stewards. Pedestrian access on all routes will be as normal.


3 May 2012