Kirkhill Primary School makes it to Euroquiz final in Scottish Parliament

Kirkhill Primary School has won a coveted place in the grand final of the Scottish European Trust’s Euroquiz, to be held on Monday 14th May in the Scottish Parliament Debating Chamber in Edinburgh.  

Euroquiz is a competition for Primary 6 pupils which helps them develop their knowledge of Europe and the European Union, as well as core skills such as communication and teamwork.  Over 1500 pupils competed in the heats in 31 of the 32 Scottish local authorities.  

To secure their place in the final, the Kirkhill Primary team of Jamie Dobie, Stuart Hamilton, Allan Goodwill and Cameron Cochrane fought off competition from 9 other primary schools in the Highland Council heat, these being Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis, Cradlehall Primary [who came second in the Highland heat], Dornoch Primary, Drakies Primary, Kilchuimen Primary, Kiltearn Primary, Lochardil Primary, North Kessock Primary and Portree Primary.

The final will be broadcast live on and will then be available on from 1.30pm onwards.

Mrs Christine Ford, Head Teacher at Kirkhill Primary said: “The boys have learnt a lot about Europe through their class project .They have also studied alone at home and challenged each other during their preparations for the finals. Mrs Nicholson and their parents are travelling with the team to give their support. Everyone at Kirkhill Primary is proud of them for reaching the grand final in Edinburgh.”

Barbara MacLeod, National Organiser of SEET said: “We estimate that awareness of Europe has increased among 15,500 young people and their families since we began running this event and we know that teachers have found the Euroquiz to be an excellent source for lesson plans and materials.”

8 May 2012