It’s not too late to act – say HPA radon experts

Issued on behalf of the Health Protection Agency

Hundreds of householders in the Highlands and Aberdeenshire are being urged to contact the HPA for help to solve their radon problems.

Radioactive gas radon cannot be seen, smelt or tasted but each year it is believed to lead to over 1,000 lung cancer deaths across the UK.
Last year the HPA ran a testing programme, funded by the Scottish Government, across both regions and sent out over 3,000 radon testing kits to homes.

The Agency then invited everyone whose home recorded a high level to events where they could learn more about what their result meant and what could be done to reduce it.

Radon specialists visited the area to run the special events where householders could find out more about radon and what they can do to their homes to lower levels. But some householders with high levels did not make the events so now HPA is asking for those householders to get in touch if they want some help.

Neil McColl, head of radon at the HPA’s Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, said: “We fully understand that when some people received their radon results they may have been surprised or even a little concerned because having a letter drop through the door telling you that your family is exposed to radiation could be unsettling for some people.
“It may be that some people were a little afraid to come along to our events and find out what the results mean while some may have thought the findings were not that important.

“Sadly, ignoring radon isn’t a safe option. Failing to deal with high radon levels just increases your exposure and the risk to the health of you and your family.
“We are here to help and want to say to those who, for whatever reason, missed us when we came to Scotland that we’re only a phone call or an email away.”

Householders wanting more information should call 01235 822622 or can email

15 May 2012