Volunteers clean up on Dunnet Beach

Forty two bags of litter where removed from the north end of Dunnet Beach in north Caithness on Saturday 5 May by a local church group who have volunteered for the second year running  to undertake regular beach cleans.

Graham Winkle group spokesman said: “It does seem worse for bottle tops and string this year on the beach and so we would welcome any extra help that people can offer us.”

The date of the next beach clean by the group is Saturday 2nd June from 9.00am to 12.00noon meeting at the Seadrift Visitor Centre car park at the north end of the beach. Further dates are 7th of July and 14th August again from 9.00am to 12.00noon.

Bags and rubber gloves are provided and you can stay for a long as you can manage.  Even filling just one bag makes a real difference. If any other groups are interested in regular beach cleans along the beach then please contact The Highland Council’s,North Caithness Ranger Paul Castle on 01847 821531 or paul.castle@highland.gov.uk



16 May 2012