Macdonald Aviemore Resort and The Highland Council reach agreement over public swimming

Macdonald Aviemore Resort (MAR) and The Highland Council are pleased to announce that a three year agreement has been reached which will see the continuation of public swimming through the High Life Card at the Macdonald Aviemore Resort.

Simon Jackson, Chief Executive of Macdonald Aviemore Resort said: “MAR has enjoyed a six year relationship with The Highland Council and we can now look forward to another period of working together to provide excellent health and leisure facilities to local families and individuals in Aviemore and the surrounding communities.  We would also look to extend further our commitment to support the local schools programme and activity groups.

"We are also pleased to announce that we will offer an enhanced package of benefits for High Life Card holders with discounts across the Aviemore Resort and at other Macdonald Resorts in the UK & Spain.”

A Council spokesman said:   “Our new agreement with MAR is great news not only for the local Aviemore community but for all High Life Cardholders and we are pleased that the resort has also included a number of additional benefits and savings for cardholders.”

21 May 2012