The Olympic Torch Relay in Badenoch and Strathspey

Communities in Badenoch and Strathspey have been preparing a whole host of events and activities to mark the day – Monday 11 June – when the Olympic Torch passes through the area. Community Councils, Schools and the business sector have been working together to make this a very special day in recognition of this once in a life time occasion.  The torch leaves Inverness Castle at 10.30 and heads down the A9 to Badenoch and Strathspey . It enters Aviemore – along Grampian Road (from Dougall Drive at 11.34 to the Youth Hostel at 11.52).

Onto Carrbridge – from Crannich Park at 12.14 along the Main Street  past Carr Road to the car park at 12.19 (a 15 minute crew stop at the school). Then from the Car Park at 12.34 to Dalmore Road at 12.38.

Onto Grantown-On-Spey – from Woodlands Terrace at 12.54, via High Street on to Castle Road at 13.00, then Market Road 13.04, South Street 13.06, and onto Spey Avenue (to speed limit sign) at 13.11. Before going onto Tomintoul. 

There will be some ‘Shenanigans’ in Aviemore. Aviemore Primary School in partnership with Aviemore and Vicinity Community Council are holding a ‘mini Olympics’ at the Four Seasons Lawn after the procession has passed through. Pupils from schools in Badenoch will be able to see the torch pass through and take part in the games or ‘Shenanigans’ as it has been described.  It was felt it should be a celebration for all of Badenoch and not just Aviemore. Badenoch and Strathspey Sports Council are to provide specially designed medals for all the children.

Following on from the ‘games’, the entertainment will continue organised by Aviemore Business Association, with bands playing on the band stand in the village green in the centre of Aviemore, including local talent. Refreshments will be available at the Cairngorm Hotel.
Carrbridge plan a great celebration – a Razzammataz! There will be activities for all age groups centring on the school, village car park and other venues in the village. With a marquee, music, school children singing, dance group, pipers, craft shop (open all day), and many other activities.

Grantown-on Spey start off their celebrations to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on Sunday 10 June with a ‘picnic in the park’ in the Square. There will be local entertainment with school choirs and bands. Celebrations continue on Monday 11 June when Grantown-on-Spey is inviting all outlying communities to join them in order to line the route to celebrate the torch coming through the town.
The events have been part-funded by The Highland Council’s Ward Discretionary Budget, Cairngorms National Park Authority and Creative Scotland. 

Sue Palmer, The Highland Council’s, Badenoch and Strathspey Ward Manager, said: “It’s so exciting that the Olympic Torch will be passing through this beautiful, stunning and welcoming part of the Cairngorms National Park. I’m sure people won’t be disappointed as I know the community, as always, have been pulling out the stops to make this a very special day to be remembered for those young and old.”

Although preparations are well underway to minimise delays, it’s highly likely there will be significant congestion in and around Aviemore, Grantown, Carrbridge as well as Lochaber and Inverness. Travellers are therefore being asked for their patience and understanding to ensure everyone enjoys the day without a mishap.

Further information is available on the Highland Council website: /leisureandtourism/events/olympics.htm

23 May 2012