Special meeting to discuss midnight door entry policy.

A special meeting of The Highland Licensing Board will take place next Tuesday 6 November at 2:30pm to consider consultation responses received on its door entry policy for premises with late night opening hours, which requires admission by midnight.

Highland Councillor Maxine Smith, Convener of The Highland Licensing Board said: “I am happy that the debate is almost here as there is an active interest from the general public on how this issue is going to conclude. I look forward to hearing all views and have studied the extensive documents and evidence provided on this policy on both sides of the issue and there are some compelling arguments being put before the Board. I hope that whatever the Board finally decides will be respected fully by all parties."

The Board at its meeting on 2 October agreed due to the number and complexity of the responses to hold a special meeting to allow more time for members to read and consider all responses.

The Board further agreed to invite a number of parties from each of the “for/against” sides of the argument to make a presentation (not exceeding 10 minutes each) to the Board on their position. The Board agreed to invite from those in favour of retaining the Policy: Northern Constabulary, NHS Highland and one trade representative (from the Gellions, Hush Nightlife or Johnny Foxes) and from those against the Policy: the Banish the Inverness Curfew Campaign, the SLTA and one trade representative (from Belhaven Pubs or the Holborn Hotel).

At the special meeting members will consider all responses. Members will have the opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification and then reach a final decision.

2 Nov 2012