Police and HIFRS hope views of their new Guy Fawkes night safety video rocket

Issued by Northern Constabulary

Northern Constabulary and Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service have created a video to promote safety during firework and bonfire season.

With November 5 almost upon us both organisations have collaborated for a short YouTube video highlighting the dangers of fireworks and bonfires, while at the same time providing safety advice. The video fetures HIFRS officer Ian Smith, Inverness Area Commander Chief Inspector Graeme Murdoch and Inspector Alistair Garrow.

You can view the video by clicking on this link Bonfire and Fireworks Safety Video.

The video will be posted via both organisations' Facebook and Twitter pages and its hoped the message will be shared and seen by as many people as possible to ensure everyone stays safe this Guy Fawkes night.

Earlier this week multi agency partners are offered safety advice for private bonfires and encouraged attendance at public displays, ahead of Guy Fawkes Night on Monday.

Highlands and Island Fire and Rescue Service, Northern Constabulary and The Highland Council issued advice ahead of bonfire night and advising of the dangers and trouble associated with hosting a private bonfire.

Group Manager for HIFRS, Robert Scott advised: "Our biggest concern over this annual event is for the public's safety. Hosting your own private bonfire and fireworks display can be enjoyable if organised safely but quite regularly we see the use of accelerants, the presence of materials that give off toxic fumes such as tyres and foam filled furniture, a safe distance not being kept between those attending and the fire, and the position of the bonfire being too close to buildings and other outdoor structures.

"We ultimately want to help ensure the number of accidents as a result of uncontrolled or unsupervised bonfires is kept to a minimum and encourage members of the public to attend professionally organized bonfire events to ensure a safe and enjoyable bonfire night."

Chief Inspector Graeme Murdoch spoke of the legalities surrounding such private events: "As we near this large-scale annual event, I would like to remind members of the public that the unlawful possession of fireworks or their reckless use can amount to criminal offences.

"Responsible retailers and adults should ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent fireworks coming into the possession of youngsters. It is however a time of the year for family enjoyment and that is what the organised events and displays are for.

"HIFRS, Northern Constabulary and The Highland Council will again combine their efforts this year to ensure the removal of bonfires from areas of the city where they may pose a risk to public safety."

The Highland Council fireworks display is on 5 November 2012 at Bught Park starts at 7pm with entertainment from the City of Inverness Youth Pipe Band, Falcon Drummers and Fly Agaric.

The bonfire will be lit at 7.30pm and the fireworks displays at around 7.50pm. For more information on Firework and Bonfire safety visit Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service.

2 Nov 2012