Health Care in Ardnamurchan.

NHS Highland has updated the Leader of The Highland Council about the action it is taking, to address the challenge of remote and rural health care provision in Ardnamurchan. This involves arrangements to sustain current delivery, as well as meetings with local communities and stakeholder groups, to identify a sustainable model for future provision.

Highland Council Leader, Councillor Drew Hendry and Councillor Andrew Baxter (Fort William and Ardnamurchan Ward) met with Garry Coutts, Chair of NHS Highland and Gill McVicar, NHS Highland Director of Operations for North and West Highland on Monday 5 November.  The elected members were informed of the continuing work that is taking place in Ardnamurchan, as well as other activity to identify the means to enhance emergency and primary health care services, in remote and rural communities across the Highland Council area.  This includes the availability of GP provision, as well as out-of-hours services.

Leader Hendry welcomed the briefing, and said: “It is important that The Highland Council works collaboratively with NHS Highland on these matters, and that we represent the needs of our communities locally and with the Scottish Government.  I envisage continued close working between both organisations. The Highland Council will be very pleased to support NHS Highland in its endeavours to address the challenges faced by rural communities.”

Councillor Baxter has been involved in the discussions in Ardnamurchan, and said: “I welcome and have been reassured by the local consultation that has taken place.  We have had further productive discussions today with NHS Highland.  I believe that appropriate arrangements have been put in place for now, and look forward to further discussions about the best model of services for the future.”

6 Nov 2012