Inverness turns out for spectacular and safe bonfire and fireworks display

Bumper crowds turned out in force at Bught Park, on 5 November for the Inverness civic bonfire and fireworks display organised by The Highland Council.

Provost of Inverness, Councillor Alex Graham and Depute Provost Councillor Glynis Sinclair, Chair of the Inverness Festivals Working Group judged the best guy competition and Kirkhill Primary School’s “Winnie the Witch” was chosen as the winner. Pupils at the school will have the honour of making the guy for next year’s bonfire.

Provost Graham who lit the bonfire, expressed his thanks to everyone who turned out in their thousands for heeding earlier community safety messages from the Council, Northern Constabulary and Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service that urged people to attend organised bonfires for safety.

He said: “Inverness Bonfire and Fireworks display was a spectacular, safe and sound event, which many local people and families turned out in force to see. Funded by the Inverness Common Good Fund, this is a key event on the Inverness Events and Festivals annual calendar that continues to be extremely popular in the city.”

Depute Provost Sinclair added: “Well done to the City of Inverness Youth Pipe Band who entertained the crowds as they gathered and waited to see the bonfire lit, they put on an excellent performance. A great thanks also to performers ‘Fly Agaric’ who also entertained us with amazing feats of fire twirling, cycling on wheels of fire, and taking a leap of faith over fire – they put on an excellent show that was exciting and fitting for the evening. Mascot Madness costumed entertainers also worked the crowds and entertained the young ones as they waited for the bonfire to be lit and The Falcon Drummers played for spectators in the grandstand.”

She added: “It was a successful evening and on behalf of the Winter Festival Working Group I would like to thank the majority of people for heeding our requests not to use sparklers on the playing fields (for the safety of sports players) and for leaving their cars at home and walking.”

Group Manager, Ian Smith for Highlands and Islands Fire and Rescue Service said “We are pleased that there were no major incidents on Bonfire Night and only had a small number of minor incidents to attend. 

“The Service had worked proactively with our partner agencies in the build-up to the bonfire and firework season to ensure our communities received our bonfire and firework safety messages.  This included the creation of a Bonfire and Firework Safety video which was produced in partnership with Northern Constabulary and The Highland Council and made available on YouTube.”

7 Nov 2012