Highlanders urged to get behind European Week for Waste Reduction

The Highland Council is set to hold a number of events to raise awareness of the importance of waste reduction as part of this year’s European Week for Waste Reduction (17 – 25 November).

To celebrate the week, The Highland Council is joining organisations across the region in a bid to raise awareness of how even small changes can make a big different to the amount of waste we produce.  On Tuesday 20th November the Council’s Waste Awareness Team will be at the Inverness Recycling Centre, offering advice about reducing food waste. On Thursday 22nd they will be joining representatives from the Lochaber Environmental Group on Fort William High Street to promote ways of cutting back. The team will also be paying a visit to Portree High School on Friday to run a workshop for pupils that will include a blind-folded water tasting test.

European Week for Waste Reduction, organised in Scotland by Zero Waste Scotland, is a European wide initiative which brings together local councils, businesses, not-for-profit organisations, and schools and universities to hold events to encourage us all to waste less.

Events and activities which make an outstanding contribution to waste reduction could be in the running for a European award.

Chairman of the TECs Committee, Councillor Graham Phillips said: “Legislation coming down the line means that, a few years from now, it will be `nil by landfill’. The Highland Council is committed to helping people in Highland start wasting less.

“We’ve organised these events, which we hope will provide everyone with the inspiration and practical advice necessary to make small, easy changes.  Often we can save money as well as helping the environment.”

Marina Fraser, Zero Waste Scotland said: “The events taking place in Highland highlight how making even the smallest changes to our daily behaviour can save us money and protect the environment at the same time.

“For example, almost one fifth of the food we buy in Scotland is thrown away – the equivalent of a family of four having another mouth to feed.  And yet two thirds of this could have been used and enjoyed with better planning, storing and portioning.

“I hope the residents in Highland will get behind this campaign and help our communities and Scotland as a whole to work towards our zero waste vision.”

For more information on activities taking place during European Week for Waste Reduction, visit www.facebook.com/ewwrscotland



14 Nov 2012