Committee approves Public Art Strategy Supplementary Guidance

At today’s Planning, Environment and Development Committee members approved supplementary guidance to the Council’s Public Art Strategy.
The purpose of the guidance is to seek the inclusion of Public Art in development proposals to help produce well-designed, locally distinctive built environments, with a clear sense of identity and place.

From May to July this year the Council held a consultation to seek people's views on the new Supplementary Guidance. Comments received have been considered and an amended version to the Guidance was presented at the committee today.

Vice Chairman of the PED Committee, Councillor George Farlow, who was chairing today’s meeting, welcomed the updated Guidance.  He said:  “The document ensures that we have a coordinated and consistent approach to public art in the Highlands.  It also provides clarity for developers and promotes community engagement which is important as all art is very subjective. To some people the words “public art” conjures up large and dramatic sculptures or murals but it does not have to be big and bold.  It can be something small like subtle details in the design of buildings and places such as the streetscape improvements around Inverness City Centre, Beauly and Dingwall

“On adoption by the Council, the Supplementary Guidance will make sure public art is integral to new developments and not something added in at the end as an after-thought.  I am sure this will create eye catching and relevant interest to public spaces and will help us to highlight and celebrate the culture and uniqueness of our communities across the Highlands.”



14 Nov 2012