Highland Council puts forward key infrastructure and development projects

The Highland Council has agreed to highlight to the Scottish Government a series of infrastructure and development projects that will be key to economic growth in the Highlands.  The list of projects will be passed on to the Scottish Government for their consideration as part of the review of the National Planning Framework (NPF3).

NPF 3 will identify a number of national developments of strategic importance to Scotland. The projects that will be put forward by Highland Council are all considered to be of national significance and have the potential to make a significant contribution to Scotland’s sustainable economic growth.

The projects being promoted by the Council to the Government include strategic road improvements to the A9. A82 and A96 trunk roads that connect Highland communities to the rest of Scotland, enhancements to Highland ports and harbours including Nigg and Kishorn, enhancements at all Highland airports, the provision of  superfast broadband and the upgrading of the existing electricity transmission network to realise the growth potential in renewable energy generation.

The Council is also taking the opportunity to raise other issues it feels that are of national importance such as the decommissioning of Dounreay, faster train journey times on the mainline, coastal development including the harnessing of wind, wave and tidal energy, waste management and natural heritage.

Vice Chairman of the Planning, Environment and Development Committee, Councillor George Farlow welcomed the opportunity to put forward Highland projects.  He said:  “All the projects we are putting forward could potentially bring huge benefits to Highland businesses and residents as well as bringing wider prospective socio-economic growth to the whole of Scotland.

“Our response will highlight the need to ensure we have the best infrastructure in place to make the most of every opportunity and will recognise the work we are doing to promote sustainable development and economic growth. Our plans are ambitious and they reflect the confidence we have in the Highlands as great place to live, work and do business in.”

The deadline for representations is 14 December and the Scottish Government intends to publish the NPF3 Main Issues Report in March next year at which point there will be a further opportunity for the Council to comment.

14 Nov 2012