Step closer for adoption of supplementary guidance for small-scale wind turbine proposals

In recognition of the demand and potential of small-scale wind turbine developments in the Highlands and following a public consultation, The Highland Council has revised its Supplementary Guidance for Small-Scale Wind Turbines and the document will now, as part of the statutory adoption process, be passed on to the Scottish Government.

Once adopted by the Council the Guidance will carry considerable weight in decision-making as part of the Highland Wide Development Plan and will provide a much needed clear, consistent and robust approach to deal with applications for small-scale wind turbines.

Amendments to the Supplementary Guidance, following the six week consultation, were discussed today at the PED Committee. Vice Chairman, George Farlow said: “As well as contributing to our commitment in the promotion of the energy sector and encouraging installed capacity of renewable energy, the Guidance is aimed at harnessing appropriate opportunities for potential development.

“Members will be able to make informed decisions.  By their nature Small-scale developments tend to be located closer to where people live and work so we want to ensure concerns people have are addressed at an early stage.  In any decision making process we need to have a very clear and consistent approach. The Supplementary Guidance will be pivotal in shaping how we manage developments for electricity generation on a small scale in the future.”
The Guidance forms part of the Council’s suite of Onshore Wind Energy Supplementary Guidance.  Prospective developers of small scale wind turbines will be referred to relevant parts of document within the pre-application and application discussions.

The Guidance fits with the Programme for The Highland Council by reaffirming the Council’s commitment to identify means whereby communities can participate in and benefit from the development of renewable energy across the Highlands.


14 Nov 2012