M-Learning For Skye Pupils

A project using mobile phones to deliver learning to young people was launched today (Wednesday, 25 January 2006) at Highland Council’s Community Learning and Leisure Offices in Portree.

The m-learning project follows the success of previous trials in Highland which were part of a pan-European 4.5 million Euro pilot. The previous project targeted sixteen to twenty four year olds who were not in education, training or employment. It proved very popular and many of the young adults who took part went on to take other courses and gain qualifications.

The advantage of m-learning is that it allows learning to take place anytime, anywhere, according to the learner’s needs, and in privacy. M-learning is portable as it is delivered through new "smart phones" which are a combination of mobile phone and personal digital assistant.

Highland Council’s Adult Basic Education Service and Portree Learning Centre are collaborating on this new project which is funded by Communities Scotland Learning Connections. It will be based on Skye but it is hoped that as the project develops other young people across Highland will be able to take part.

Highland Council Adult Literacies Strategy Officer, Julie Simmons, said: "We are delighted that Learning Connections is helping Highland community learning organisations the chance to work with young people using cutting edge technology. Everyone taking part in the project is very excited by it and I’m sure it’s going to have lasting benefit."

18 Apr 2006