Closure of Castle Road, Inverness

Motorists are advised that Castle Road, Inverness, will remain closed for the next few days to traffic heading into the city centre from Haugh Road.

This is the result of unexpected additional works required at the Ness Bridge junction with Castle Road to divert utility services associated with the River Ness Flood Scheme.

Citybound traffic from Haugh Road is being diverted via View Place and Castle Street and this is likely to remain necessary until Friday.

It had been intended to carry out the diversionary works at Ness Bridge - at its junction with Castle Road/Bridge Street/Bank Street - between 8pm – 6 am Monday – Wednesday of this week.

However, the contractor encountered difficulties with the location of some of the utilities, which requires more extensive excavation and the closure of Castle Road to traffic heading into the city centre from Haugh Road.

The Highland Council regrets the need to close Castle Road for citybound traffic and estimates it may be Friday before the essential diversionary works are completed.

The advise is that if Castle Road forms part of your regular route into the city centre then it may be worth considering using an alternative route.

The current contract requires the contractor to relocate utilities services; water, gas, etc, in preparation for the construction of the flood wall defences and associated streetscape, which will be the subject of separate contracts.

A spokesman for the Council said: “Last night the Contractor carried out excavations in Castle Road, just beyond its junction with Bridge Street (Ness Bridge), when they encountered difficulties with the location of some of the utility services. As a result they were unable to backfill the excavation and return Castle Road to normal two-way traffic flow by 6am this morning, as was the original intention. The Project Team have advised that the Contractor is unlikely to fully resolve this problem before Friday of this week.”

20 Nov 2012