Wick woodland with community spirit

The new Newtonhill Croft Woodland established by the Forestry Commission for Scotland on the outskirts of Wick is coming together with help from the local community who have played a vital role in shaping the new site.  Several projects have recently reached completion and have enhanced the woodland site for enjoyment by the local community.

The Highland Council Countryside Rangers have supported projects with the Friends of Newtonhill to provide some useful facilities at the new community woodland. 

The pond project involved excavating and landscaping an old quarry, installing an all-abilities pond dipping platform and planting a range of flowering shrubs and plants around the pond area. This project received funding through the Caithness Environmental Fund, supported by Highland LEADER 2007-2013 and Scottish Natural Heritage.

Children-sized picnic benches have been built by The Highland Council’s Community Payback scheme with funding from MFR Cash for Kids. The Wick Rotary also has been active at the site by helping out with tree planting and by donating a superb flagstone bench.

Two willow bowers have been planted by the Countryside Rangers after the Friends of Newtonhill received a generous donation from Stroma Hazel. The bowers were planted in memory of her aunt, Mrs Sutherland, who loved visiting the old site.

Highland Council Countryside Ranger, Marina Swanson said: “It is wonderful to see the community coming together to help create a valuable and enjoyable woodland site. Through our partnership with the Forestry Commission Scotland and the Friends of Newtonhill, we are fortunate to access funding and encourage environmental projects on site. We’d like to thank the funders for making the works possible and to our volunteers for making the projects take place on the ground. ”

The Friends of Newtonhill have future plans to renovate the old cottage into a facility to be used by community groups. If you have an interest in helping the group with their work, please contact Billy Nicolson, Friends of Newtonhill chair person, to get further information on how you can get involved; w80@btinternet.com or go to http://www.tannachanddistrict.org/mw/index.php?title=Friends_of_Newtonhill_community_woodland

1 Oct 2012