Special meeting date set to discuss midnight door entry policy.

The Highland Licensing Board has agreed to hold a special meeting on Tuesday 6 November at 2:30pm to consider consultation responses received on its door entry policy for premises with late night opening hours, which requires admission by midnight.

A report presented to the Licensing Board today (2 October) said the special meeting will allow more time for members to read and consider all responses and invite a number of parties from each of the “for/against” sides of the argument to make a presentation to the Board on their position. Members will have the opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification and then reach a final decision on 6 November.

The Board received a total of 54 responses from across the Highlands.  This included a “Banish the Inverness Curfew Campaign” petition endorsed by 2,011 people. The Board agreed today to write to parties “for” and “against” whether the policy should continue and, if so, whether it should be extended throughout the Highlands.

Parties “for” the case to be invited will include representation from Northern Constabulary, NHS Highland and 1 member out of 3 licensed traders who submitted their support. Parties “against” the case who will be invited include representatives from ‘Banish the Inverness Curfew Campaign’, the Scottish Licensed Trade Association and 1 trade representative of the 2 licensed traders who submitted their opposition.

Councillor Maxine Smith, Chairman of the Licensing Board, said: "Given the seriousness of this consultation and the implications that the policy has throughout the Highlands it is only right that we allow enough time for debate on all the issues.

“We will invite objectors and those who wish to retain the current policy to the special meeting on 6 November, as it is very important we give people a chance to show us their side of the argument. After hearing all the evidence we will debate the issue in public and reach a conclusion thereafter."

2 Oct 2012