Nairn Academy Community Sports Facilities


Nairn Academy Community Sports Facilities

A community sports facility was officially opened today (Tuesday 10th January, 2006) in Nairn by Stewart Harris, Chief Executive of sportscotland.

The £1.34 million development provides a fenced synthetic turf pitch, sports changing pavilion that can accommodate four teams plus referees, and floodlighting to both synthetic and grass pitches

The facility development is the culmination of many years of co-operation between local sports clubs and other community groups including Nairn Rotary Club and The Highland Council. The new facility will benefit not only Nairn Academy but also the local community and the local primary schools.

Funding for this project was provided by The Highland Council (£545,536), sportscotland (£435,060), Big Lottery Fund (£234,404), Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey Enterprise (£80,000) and Nairn Rotary Club (£50,000).

Highland Councillor Sandy Park, Provost of Nairn said: "Clearly the Nairnshire Committee of The Highland Council is delighted with these new facilities. They have given a big boost to sport in our area, providing new facilities for existing clubs, and stimulating the development of sports new to Nairn. I would like to thank all those volunteers who have contributed so much in the planning and development stages of this project, from the first stalwarts in 1992, to those who now sit on the management group. I would like to give special thanks to the Rotary Club of Nairn for their generous contribution."

Stewart Harris, Chief Executive, sportscotland said: "sportscotland is delighted to have supported the creation of the new community sports facilities at Nairn Academy with an award of £435,060 from the sportscotland Lottery funded Sports Facilities Programme.

"This new facility will ensure the provision of a quality outdoor playing surface, complimented by the well-designed changing accommodation, increasing the opportunities for sports participation for both the school and community all year round, helping to achieve sportscotland’s goal of creating a fitter, more active nation."

Big Lottery Fund Board Member, David Campbell, said: "Without facilities of this calibre many young people across Scotland would be unable to experience the benefits of taking part in healthy outdoor activities. That's why the Big Lottery Fund is proud to have backed such an important project in Nairn. I hope that today will signal the start of a bright sporting future for many young people and families across the area."

Dr Stuart Black, Chief Executive, Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey Enterprise said: "These are superb new facilities not only for the academy and other schools, but for the community of Nairn and its surrounding area. We were delighted to assist funding this development which will be of benefit to so many people."

William Wordie, Secretary of Nairn Rotary Club said: "Nairn Rotary Club is always keen to promote and support activities for the town and County of Nairn. The Club is especially pleased to have raised sufficient funds to channel a high percentage of them towards these superb facilities."

Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sport Service led the delivery of the project with design services provided by the Council’s Property and Architectural Service. The contract was carried out by the Les Taylor Construction Group.

For further information please contact:

Phil Swainson, The Highland Council  tel: (01667) 458523 e-mail:

Ruth Anderson, sportscotland tel: 0131 472 3340 e-mail:

Landa Rolland, Big Lottery Fund tel: 0141 242 1458 e-mail:

Stan Arnaud, Highlands and Islands Enterprise tel: 01463 244244 e-mail:

William Wordie, Secretary, Nairn Rotary Club tel: 01667 455577

10 Apr 2006