Go ahead for review of Inverness and Dingwall office accommodation

Highland Councillors have been assured that no jobs will be lost to accommodate a major review of council offices in Inverness and Dingwall.

The Finance, Housing and Resources Committee today (Wednesday) endorsed the recommendations of an outline business case to replace 14 offices in Inverness and 8 in Dingwall with 2 centrally located offices in both Inverness and Dingwall by 2020.

Committee members were advised the outline business case highlighted the scope to achieve savings of £1.45 million per year by reducing office space by 44%.

The next phase of work would identify where the offices will be located and how the project is to be funded.

Committee Chairman, Councillor Dave Fallows said: “No jobs need to go in this overdue and exciting move to transform and modernise the way we do business. There is significant scope to achieve major savings by the adoption of modern working practices, reduced staff sickness, lower staff turnover, reduced ICT costs and reduced duplication of resources.”

It was stressed that trade unions would be fully consulted as the project progressed.

During the debate, Leader, Councillor Drew Hendry gave an assurance that the Town House, Inverness, would remain in Common Good ownership and operation, highlighting the scope for wider public access to the landmark historic civic centre.


3 Oct 2012