Council on track to meet homelessness target

The Highland Council has welcomed the latest quarterly statistics on homelessness which show a 36% reduction in homeless presentations in the Highlands compared to a national reduction of 13%.
The Council has also reported that they are meeting the Scottish Government’s targets in relation to priority need assessments in 94% of cases compared to 93% nationally, and that they are well placed to meet the target required by 31 December 2012.
Councillor Dave Fallows, Chairman of the Finance Housing and Resources Committee, said: “We have also seen a reduction of 17% in the number of households in temporary accommodation compared to a reduction of 6% nationally. I’m absolutely convinced that the actions taken by the Council to establish a homelessness prevention team, and the commitment and enthusiasm shown by all staff dealing with homelessness have been the most important factors in reducing homelessness in the Highlands. This leaves us very well placed to meet the national homelessness target.”


3 Oct 2012