Plant Maintenance Business Opens

 ISSUE DATE: Tuesday 17 January 2006


Former Arjo Wiggins employee Ron Wink has set his sights on a bright new future for 2006 as he teams up with a lifelong friend (and "musician") Donald Innes to set up a new plant maintenance business near Fort William.

The two plan to establish Torlundy Plant Maintenance at the old brick works at Torlundy and to offer a comprehensive industrial plant support , maintenance and fabrication service to the local construction industry.

The pair have the necessary engineering skills and between them a lifetimes experience in problem solving with a full range of machinery both on and off shore.

In addition to their own pooled resources, the business has received funding support totalling £30,000 in the form business start up grants from Lochaber Enterprise and a soft loan from Highland Opportunity, an Enterprise Trust owned by The Highland Council and limited by guarantee.

In addition to the facilities that Ron and Donald intend to establish at Torlundy, they will also be offering a mobile "on site" service.

Commenting from their new premises in Torlundy Ron said: "We looked at the local market for plant maintenance and felt that there is room for a business like ours especially as we will be offering a few specialities such as hydraulics and off site mobile service."

12 Apr 2006