Black Isle girl to represent Scotland

Young Black Isle rider Rachael Aiton (17) from Cullicudden, Balblair and her horse Hughie have been selected to represent Scotland in the Under 18 Team International Championships which are sponsored by KBIS and will be held this weekend at Weston Park, Shropshire.
This is an honour for Rachael and a just reward for all her hard work over the past years. Her achievement is all the more remarkable as this combination has only been together since January 2012.   
Rachael started eventing having caught the bug at her local pony club branch when she was just 12 and has continued to rise up through the ranks ever since.

Rachael who has just completed her higher education at Fortrose Academy said: “This year has been a fantastic year with many great results but the highlight for me was winning the Novice U18 section at the New Balcarres Event in Fife.  I’m really lucky  to have found Hughie as he shares the same love and enthusiasm for eventing as I do.”

Rachael is grateful for all the support she has received from the team at British Eventing and from The Highland Council’s Black Isle Ward Discretionary Fund and local vets – Kessock Equine - for their support.



5 Oct 2012