Double boost for River Ness Flood and Streetscape Scheme

The Highland Council’s City of Inverness Area Committee has given a double boost to the River Ness Flood Alleviation and Streetscape Scheme. The Committee has approved £1 million towards the cost of the streetscape element of the major works and £250,000 towards the cost of a public art programme to complement the streetscape works. 

The monies will come from the Inverness Common Good Fund.

The flood alleviation scheme – stretching from Ness Bridge to Friar’s Bridge -  is estimated to cost £21 million and take until April 2015 to complete.

Councillor Ian Brown, City of Inverness Leader said: “We see the flood scheme as a great opportunity to hugely enhance the centre of our city with major streetscape and public art features.”

Creative Scotland have announced a contribution of £305,000 towards the £750,000 public arts programme.

Meanwhile, Coffey Construction begin utility diversion works on both sides of the river between Ness Bridge and Friar’s Bridge on Monday 22 October. The value of their contract is £1.5 million.

Coffey will be represented at a meet-the-contractor/information session at Inverness Town House on Wednesday (10 October) between noon – 7 pm.  Other members of the project team will be present to help with queries from the public.

Any businesses, organisations and individuals who feel they may be affected by the works would benefit from attending the exhibition.

Coffey’s task is to divert utilities to enable construction of the scheme in the central section.  In order to safely divert gas and water pipes on Huntly Street, parking and traffic restrictions will be enforced between 22 October 2012 and April 2013. Works will progress in discrete sections with the loss of localised parking.  However, traffic flows will be maintained via diversions. Access will be maintained for businesses, residents, blue badge holders and emergency vehicles at all times.

On the opposite side of the river, work is needed to replace electricity, gas and communication services. Closures of Friar’s Street and Bank Street and Friar’s Lane to through traffic between Fraser Street and Academy Street may be required between 22 October and 10 December 2012 and between 3 January and 11 February 2013. Diversions will be in place for the road closures.


8 Oct 2012