Chance to linger at Lochindorb

The Highland Council’s Countryside Ranger Service is offering a great chance to discover a hidden gem in a remote and atmospheric location near Grantown on Spey.

As part of this months’ Highland Archeology festival, on Wednesday 17 October, the rangers will be leading a guided walk along the shore at Lochindorb with its ancient castle.

Come along and learn about the amazing history of the castle and loch and see if you can spot some of the unusual wildlife that lives in this secluded spot.
This enjoyable wilderness walk will run from 11am to 1pm. To book a place and to find out where to meet up, please call 01463 255291. The cost is £3 for adults and £2 for children and concessions. 

The aim of The Highland Council Countryside Rangers is to promote public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and to conserve wildlife. Details of all the events running during the 2012 Archaeology Festival can be found by visiting

9 Oct 2012