Thurso High School’s new Acting Head Teacher

Thurso High School will have a new acting head teacher when pupils return from their October holidays.

John McGilp, Head Teacher at Kinlochleven High School, is moving to Thurso High School as Acting Head Teacher until the end of the school session in June, next year.

From Ayrshire, Mr McGilp has spent most of his teaching career in the Highlands, working at Lochaber High School and Ardnamurchan High School before moving to Kinlochleven.

He said: “I am excited about the opportunity of working in Thurso, a school with a very good reputation in a beautiful location. Having visited yesterday I got the chance to meet staff, pupils and the Chair of the Parent Council which has further enthused me. Although from Ayrshire originally I have spent all of my teaching career, bar a very brief spell, within Highland. Initially this was at Lochaber High as a subject teacher and then in a pastoral capacity and I then moved on to Ardnamurchan High as Depute Head.

“For the past five and a bit years I have been the Head Teacher at Kinlochleven High and went through a very successful inspection whilst in post in February 2010. My main priorities as a Head Teacher are the care and welfare of pupils whilst driving forward both attainment and achievement. I have been heavily involved in my current post in forging links with the wider school community, something I hope to continue during my secondment.” 

Mr McGilp’s position at Kinlochleven High School will be filled initially by Gordon Milne, Depute Head Teacher at Kinlochleven.  Mr Milne’s subjects are computing and chemistry.


9 Oct 2012