Search on for new Highland Youth Convener

John Erskine - the 6th Highland Youth Convener who took up his post at the beginning of September 2012 - is to step down early from his role to take up a position with the Scottish Parliament, working locally from Inverness. The Youth Convener post is unique in Scotland and is part of the area’s commitment to better understanding and engaging with issues important to Highland’s young people

The search for a new Youth Convener will begin after the Highland Youth Voice Conference which takes place in November. The post is held for one year, with the post holder having a vote on the Council’s Adult and Children’s Community Services Committee. The post of Youth Convener is hosted on behalf of the Council, by High Life Highland.

Despite having occupied the role for a brief period, John (21) of Conon Bridge has achieved a great deal. He has held meetings with senior UK government officials to discuss youth unemployment, argued for 16 year olds to have the vote and during his first week in post joined calls for Highland Council to pay the living wage, a policy which was adopted by the Council last week.

John was the first graduate to take on the unique role of Youth Convener. In leaving for his new opportunity, John said “I have really enjoyed my time as Youth Convener and will be sad to leave. I felt welcomed into both High Life Highland and Highland Council by all staff and elected members and I would like to thank everyone for their support during my time in post. I feel the role of Youth Convener is a very valuable one for Highland and hope to see the post continue on and be successful in the coming years. It is a unique post and it is with regret I will be leaving, however I feel that I will be able to use the skills I learned in the post to continue to work to make the Highland’s a better place for young people in my new job.”


10 Oct 2012