Council sets date for meeting on flood prevention measures in East Inverness

The Highland Council has set a date for a third public meeting to discuss flood alleviation measures  at  Balloch, Culloden and Smithton. The meeting will be held on Thursday 25 October 2012 at Culloden Academy, Inverness, starting at 6:30pm.

At earlier public meetings held on 18 August and 24 November 2011, attended by around 200 local people,  assurances were given that a further meeting would be held to update the public on the actions being taken to reduce the risk of future flooding and to provide an update of the outcomes of a flood study by JBA consultants.

Representatives from the Council’s Transport Environmental and Community  Services, and Planning and Development Service; Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA); Scottish Flood Forum, and Scottish Water will be in attendance.

An update will be given on the work being carried out by the Council’s flood team and JBA consultants who were appointed by the  Council in August 2011 following the two flood events in July and August 2011. At the last meeting in November 2011 JBA presented the findings of their study of the underlying causes of the flooding. With £1million set aside in the capital budget for works on flood alleviation in Smithton and Culloden, the Council and JBA will present outline measures designed to protect residents of Smithton and Culloden from further flooding in a phased programme of works.

Neil Gillies, Director of TEC Services, will also give an update on the measures which have already been undertaken by the Council to reduce the risk of future flooding as well as measures which are currently being progressed.


15 Oct 2012