Dedication of post-1945 memorial plaques at Cavell Gardens, Inverness

A new plaque commemorating those service men and women who died in any conflict since 1945 will be unveiled on the Cavell Gardens War Memorial by Councillor Alex Graham, Provost of the City of Inverness on Saturday 3rd November at 11 a.m.

The initiative follows as an appeal earlier in the year by The Royal British Legion Scotland Inverness Branch - in conjunction with the City of Inverness Area Committee of The Highland Council.

The new plaque features on the Roll of Honour, names of members of HM Forces that have been killed or have died as a result of injuries sustained in any conflict since 1945. Further names that have been proposed by families will be added when the appropriate details have been checked with their units to ensure accuracy.

It will be dedicated at a short service being conducted by Reverend Alistair Murray, British Legion Padre.

The dedication service is the conclusion of a programme of works that have been carried out over the past year, which involved cleaning the stone work on the memorial, restoring and re-painting all of the wording and having the existing bronze plaques professionally cleaned and waxed to bring them back to their original condition.

New paving slabs have also been laid to improve access and enhance the area around the cenotaph as well as the recently dedicated field of remembrance.

The field of remembrance will reopen on Saturday 3rd November to allow families the opportunity to place poppy crosses in remembrance of their loved ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

The refurbishing of the memorial was carried out by Alistair Stewart Memorials. Ronald Robertson Groundworks laid the new paving and gravel areas with Council grounds staff tidying the grassed areas and flower beds.

Provost of Inverness Councillor Alex Graham said: “British service men and women have been in action in many parts of the world since 1945, and it is fitting that the names of those who lost their lives in the service of our country during  that time have now been added to the War Memorial. The plaque will provide a tangible and lasting record of the sacrifice they made on our behalf, and ensure that they will always be remembered.”


15 Oct 2012