Success for Staffin Primary at Royal National Mod, Dunoon

Leugh sa Ghaidhlig

The Bun-Sgoil Stafainn folk group from Staffin Primary on the Isle of Skye have won top prize in the folk group competition for under 13 year olds at the Royal National Mod in Dunoon.

For the fourth year running The Highland Council has sponsored this competition in partnership with Fujitsu who have provided a £500 prize voucher for the winning group.

Allan Trappitt, Fujitsu, Service Delivery Manager said: “Fujitsu is delighted to encourage the participation of young people at all National Mods by co-sponsoring the under 13’s Folk Group Competition.  I wish all the Highland schools groups, and all individuals from the Highlands competing at the Mod, the best of luck.”

Councillor Hamish Fraser, Chair of the Highland Council’s Gaelic Implementation Group, who is attending the Mod said: “The Highland Council wishes our colleagues in Argyll and Bute every success this year; and I look forward to meeting many people attending the Mod at Dunoon.  The Council has a concordat with An Comunn Gàidhealach in relation to the delivery of Royal National Mods in the Highlands, and we will be preparing for the next Highland Mod which will be held in Inverness in 2014.”

“Yesterday I had the privilege of watching all the young competitors who had entered the Folk Group competition perform. Bun-Sgoil Stafainn did really well to come first as the standard was very high. All the entrants are very talented young people and we’ve every confidence that they will all progress and become successful ambassadors for Gaelic in the future.”

Some of the other Highland pupils and school groups who will be competing at the Royal National Mod at Dunoon come from Kilmuir Primary and Bun-sgoil Stafainn from the Isle of Skye; Craighill Primary, Tain; and Tain Royal Academy.

16 Oct 2012