New PPP2 Timetable

A new provisional programme has been set for the construction of the 11 new community school projects which feature in The Highland Council’s second Education Public Private Partnership Schools’ Programme. It is anticipated that final agreement will be reached with the successful bidder, Alpha Schools Highland Ltd, a consortium consisting of Morrison PLC and Noble Fund Managers, within the next few weeks which will allow work to start and see the first primary schools available from the spring of next year and the first secondary schools in early 2008.   All schools are due to be available by the autumn of 2008.

New provisional dates for the schools, set by Alpha Schools, are: -



Bruce Robertson, Director of Education Culture and Sport, said: "The provisional programme has slipped a little, but given the size of the building programme and complexity of the negotiations this is, perhaps, understandable. Construction on the first sites will commence shortly after Financial Close and hopefully this will be in the spring."

After making repayments for 30 years, the schools revert to the ownership of the Council.

Note: Over the 30 year period of the contract, the Council will pay a total of approx. £617 million for the schools. This includes the capital cost of building the 11 schools (approx. £132 million) as well as the interest on the capital; inflation over the 30 years; the heating and maintenance of the building over the 30 years; janitorial and cleaning costs over 30 years; and the use of the community facilities outwith school hours amounting to 12,000 hours per year over 30 years. The Scottish Executive will pay a total of £215 million in Revenue Support Grant to the Council over the 30 year period towards the total cost of this contract.









18 Apr 2006