Rangers Celebrate National Bard's Anniversary

Highland Council and Forestry Commission Rangers are celebrating Burn’s Night this year with a difference as they invite local people to join them on a Burns walk.

From 2-4pm on Saturday 28th January at Reelig Glen, near Moniack the Rangers will lead a guided walk in dramatic countryside while reciting some of Burn’s finest poetry and participants are invited to bring along their favourite Burns poem.

Corinne Hambly, Highland Council’s Countryside Ranger said: "It is clear in Burn’s works that not only did he have a love for the women in his life but he had a love of the countryside as seen in the verses of: "To a Mountain Daisy; The Wounded Hare; To a Mouse"; "Afton Water"; "The Banks O’ Doon"; and "Farewell to the Highlands" to name but a few.

"This promises to be a very entertaining walk and we look forward to hearing all the old Burns favourites. Anyone who doesn’t want to recite poetry is still welcome to come along."

This guided walk is part of programme of events organised by Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service. The Burns Walks is organised in association with the Forestry Commission.

To book a place on the Burn’s Guided Walk please contact tel: 01463 724312.

18 Apr 2006