More improvements for Road to the Isles. A830 meeting yields results.

Issued by Transport Scotland

The A830 will benefit from a series of improvements Transport Scotland announced today.

These measures have come about following a meeting last Friday (26 October) in Arisaig between the officials from the national transport agency, local elected members, community councillors, and members of the public.

The measures proposed include:

Transport Scotland’s Route Manager for the north, Andy Anderson said:

“Safety is a number one priority for Transport Scotland and we value productive meetings like this one that enable us to listen to communities’ concerns. From this we were able to agree and roll out a number of measure which will further help to improve safety on the A830.

“As well as the proposed engineering measures, which include laying high friction surfacing on a number of bends, renewing road lining, barrier replacements and a long term programme of bridge improvements and widening - we will take forward further work with professional partners to explore the opportunity for increased education aimed at both motorcyclists and visitors to the area.

“We will also continue to liaise with Scottish National Heritage and local deer managers to determine if there are any appropriate measures which can be taken to reduce the very real dangers created by deer on the road.”

1 Nov 2012