Rangers have a Blas outdoors this weekend

Highland Council Countryside Rangers are challenging people to get outdoors as part of the Blas festival this weekend and find out more about fungi in woodlands at Farr, near Inverness and at Inschriach National Nature Reserve, near Kincraig.

Katy Martin, Inverness Ranger explained: “Fungi are hugely misunderstood and feared by people. However, they are important for recycling natural materials; helping our trees to grow and, if you know what you are doing, are a pleasure to eat.”

She added: “Join us for one or two events this weekend which are family friendly and offer a beginner’s introduction to the fascinating world of fungi.”

On Saturday 8 September, we’ll be meeting at 2pm to go on a ‘Fungal Foray’ through the woods at Farr (near Inverness) to find fungi. There will be a chance to learn about how essential fungi are to the health of the woodland. We’ll also be finding out looking for mushrooms to taste. This event starts at 2pm and lasts for 2 hours. Places are strictly limited so please book a place on 01463 255291. The exact meeting place in a woodland in Farr, south of Inverness, will be given out on booking.

The Rangers will also be leading a ‘Mysterious Mushroom Meander’ at Inschriach National Nature Reserve, Kincraig on Sunday 9 September also starting at 2pm and lasting for 2 hours.

Katy said: “We’ll be looking for some of the fungal superstar’s resident at Inschriach NNR and hopefully finding some tasty mushrooms to eat.”

Places are strictly limited on this walk, but can be booked on 01479 873706. The exact meeting place will be given out on booking.

The Countryside Rangers run many events and guided walks which aim to help raise awareness and encourage appreciation of the scenery, wildlife and heritage of the Highlands. A programme of Ranger Guided Walks and Events is on the council’s website at: http://www.highland.gov.uk/countrysiderangerevents.htm

3 Sep 2012