Tribute To Kyle Harbour Master

Councillor Charlie King, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Transport Environmental and Community Services Committee, has paid a glowing tribute to John MacRae, Kyle’s Harbour Master, who died suddenly on Tuesday night at the age of 51.

Councillor King said: "John was a first class employee who was a terrific ambassador for the Council and in particular for Kyle.  His enthusiasm was infectious and his aim was always to make Kyle bigger and better by attracting trade to the harbour.

"His response to the grounding of the MV Blackfriars near Kyle on 20 December, last year, was fast and effective and was so typical of his excellent work for the Council during his 15 and half years as our harbour master  for Kyle. He was a popular member of the harbour team and I know he made a significant contribution to life in his community and to the world of shinty. First and foremost our thoughts are with his wife and daughters at this time."

18 Apr 2006