Council Leader extends profound sympathies to Beauly/Muir of Ord families

Speaking at the start of today’s meeting of The Highland Council, Council Leader, Councillor Drew Hendry,  offered the Council’s profound sympathies to the two families affected by the recent canoe accident at Gairloch.

He said: “Our thoughts are with the Beaton family from Resaurie near Beauly on the loss of Ewen and Jamie and as the search continues for their father, Ewen.  Our thoughts are also with the family of five-year-old  Grace Mackay from Muir of Ord who also died in the accident. We cannot begin to imagine what they have and continue to go through. 

“Our sincere gratitude goes to Teanassie Head Teacher Alison Donald and Tarradale Head Teacher Tracy Sinclair and their staff for the support they have provided to pupils and the families at this desperately sad time.”

6 Sep 2012